Installation of terraces

Thermowool – a sustainable choice for terraces

Nowadays, sustainability and environmental friendliness are among the top priorities of the construction sector, which is why innovative building materials are receiving a lot of attention.

Thermal wood is one such material. It is a modified type of wood with enhanced wood properties that meets the requirements of durability and aesthetics, and is also perfectly in line with environmental values. Thermowood products have a lifespan up to five times that of traditional wood products.

Thermally modified timber products – pine, spruce or ash boards and paneling – are used for terraces, facades, pergolas, fences, saunas, balconies and other building projects that require reliable and sustainable timber solutions.


What is thermal wood?

If this is the first time you’ve heard of thermowood, you might naturally wonder what the term means and how thermowood differs from other types of wood.

Thermowool is a unique material obtained through a thermo-modification process that enhances its natural properties, ensuring durability and long-term comfort.

In the thermomodification process, the wood is exposed to high temperatures and water vapour and undergoes chemical and physical changes that make it highly resistant to mould and rot, improve dimensional stability and thermal insulation properties, and protect against fraying. This process eliminates the need for chemical treatments, making thermowood a sustainable alternative to traditional wood types, without harming the environment or people.

The thermally modified wood is resin-free, has a good aesthetic appearance and a pleasant smell, a soft texture, an authentic colour and antibacterial properties.

Advantages of thermally modified wood

One of the main advantages of thermal wood is the aforementioned durability. Statistically, heat-treated decking boards can last up to 20 years, while outdoor decking boards can last up to 30 years. Thermal wood boards do not rot, even though the surface can become mouldy when exposed to external factors. This aesthetic defect does not affect the structure of the thermo-masonry in any way and is easy to avoid with proper care – use of protective equipment and regular maintenance.

Other advantages of thermowool, such as its environmental friendliness, stability, ease of maintenance, aesthetic and thermal insulation excellence, give it the advantages of a reliable and desirable building material for consumers.

Thermal wall for terraces – perfect compatibility

The terrace is an integral part of the outdoor space. It needs materials that can withstand changing weather conditions while at the same time conveying elegance. Thermal wood is a rational choice because of its above-mentioned properties and its natural resistance to moisture, fungi and insects. The stability provided by the modified timber is also important, ensuring that the terrace flooring will not warp or curl.


Tomas Sakalauskas, head of the Terrace Centre, emphasises, “Termomediena offers exceptional benefits for the construction of terraces. The stability and resistance to environmental factors of this material helps to create a reliable and visually appealing outdoor space.”

Thermowood pine boards – a combination of beauty and durability

A wide range of woods can be heat treated: softwoods, hardwoods and other niche species. However, pine wood is one of the most popular consumer choices.

Pine that has undergone thermal modification makes it an ideal material for boards and outdoor paneling. This treatment greatly increases the density and strength of the timber, allowing it to withstand heavy loads and environmental challenges.

The heat-treated pine planks give off a natural aesthetic that embodies the beauty of nature, which blends well with a wide range of architectural styles.

T.Sakalauskas adds, “Thermally modified pine planks reveal two of the best qualities of the wood – they convey its beauty and ensure exceptional durability. It is a great investment for property owners looking to create a long-lasting and charming outdoor terrace.”

Universalmoustache finishing solutions with thermal wood

Finishes serve both functional and decorative purposes in building design. Thermal wood’s improved stability and resilience make it a versatile choice for finishing applications. Whether used for exterior walls or interior accents, thermowood cladding brings out the warmth and character of the wood and requires minimal maintenance.

MDS terraces explains, “One of the most important characteristics of thermowool – its excellent dimensional stability – gives architects and homeowners the freedom to create more interesting and, above all, more reliable and durable solutions. Its ability to withstand changing weather conditions and to maintain its aesthetic appearance for a long time is a true sign of quality.”


Environmental sustainability – a core value

In the world of building materials, thermowool is held up as an example of innovation and sustainability. In addition to its excellent utility properties, the green aspect of heat-treated wood is a significant factor in its popularity.

As mentioned above, the thermomodification process uses only heat and steam, eliminating the need for chemical treatments that can harm the environment. In addition, thermowood is produced according to sustainable forestry principles.

MDS terasos supplies the Lithuanian market with certified thermowood from Finland, whose producers are members of the Thermowood Association, which ensures that the raw material comes only from responsibly managed forests. This is evidenced by the PEFC or FSC certification of their products. For builders developing projects based on ecological values, this building material allows the need for sustainability to be fully realised.

Durability, spatial stability and aesthetic appeal are the qualities of thermowood that architects, builders and homeowners want. As the construction sector increasingly integrates eco-friendly methods, thermowood is becoming a prime example of how technology and nature can work in harmony to create durable and elegant buildings.