Combinations of wood and stone
for your terrace

Building a terrace is not very difficult, especially if it is small and simple. Of course, if you do it yourself, it will take more time than if it were built by professionals. You will also need tools that professionals have and work with every day. The third thing is knowledge and experience. You will get knowledge in this article, but experience only after building 10-20 terraces.

This is the most expensive element of the terrace, and also the main reason why it is better to entrust this work to professionals. But nothing forbids you to try. So that plans to comfortably spend time on the terrace do not remain just dreams, we suggest installing a pergola.

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Outdoor tile and board terraces

The floor covering of the outdoor terrace can be installed from the boards of your favorite wood, outdoor tiles or by combining these two materials. Impregnated or thermal pine, larch and exotic hardwoods or wood-plastic composite WPC boards are usually used for the installation of terrace floors. Outdoor tiles – stone mass or WPC.

We’ve prepared 10 visualisations of what outdoor tile terraces and tile and plank terrace combinations look like.

Concrete imitation stone
mass tile terrace

Stone mass tiles Glowing Gray 60x120

Stone mass tiles Solo Gray 60×60

Concrete imitation tiles
and larch plank decking

Stone tiles Majesty Brown 90×90

Larch terrace boards 28x120x4000

Wood imitation tiles and
Impregnated pine board terrace

Stone mass tiles Bright Forest 40×80

Impregnated pine terrace board 28x120x5700

Vintage outdoor tiles
and a thermal pine terrace

Stone mass tiles Vintage Forest 40×120

Thermo pine terrace board 25x118x4200

Wood imitation stone
mass tile terrace

Stone mass tiles Vivid Forest 40×80

Stone mass tiles Bright Forest 40×80

Wood imitation tiles and
thermal pine board terrace

Stone mass tiles Dark Forest 40×80

Thermo pine terrace board 26x117x3600

Wood and concrete imitations
stone mass tile terrace

Wood imitation tiles Bright Forest 40×80

Imitation concrete tiles Majesty Brown 90×90

Concrete imitation stone
mass tile terrace

Imitation concrete tiles Glowing Dark 60×120

Imitation concrete tiles Cliff Brown 60×60

Concrete imitation tiles
and larch plank decking

Stone mass tiles Glowing Gray 60×120

Larch terrace boards 28x120x4000

Stone mass field
tiled terrace

Stone mass tiles Solo Gray 60×60

Stone mass tiles Cliff Brown 60×60